Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hat Metamorphosis

This was originally bought as a "summer" cotton Greek Fisherman's Hat, in Sanoma - on my honeymoon I think. I bought a wool one too, but certain hats I just can't seem to hang on too, wool Greek fisherman's hats and berets.

I think I was able to hang on to this one because I made the choice to wash it, in the washing machine. Don't EVER do this if you want your hat to look remotely the same as it was when it went in. My hat's aren't "collectibles" I ware them, a lot. This means they get dirty.

After the wash it was a cap, yes, but not a fisherman's hat. Turns out it wasn't exactly color-fast and the bill if the cap I think was stiffened with cardboard. This wash made it look, well "legitimate" comes to mind. In no way would some one ware this as a statement of style, it was the real thing, what thing I discovered while researching some of my other hats.

I saw a picture of a cap, and it was called a "fiddlers" cap. I'm pretty sure that was attached to the style after Fiddler of the Roof. Although the style itself is very old - predating even the early nineteen seventy's. I tried to find out how old, but the difficulty level exceeded my determination and so I gave up.

What I DID discover is hat's are REALLY out of Vogue. In my search I came a across a site that looked like it was designed about ten years ago. It had a links page, of the eleven links, nine of them were dead. One looked like an even earlier design. It made me feel really special.

To re-cap (pun intended) My Greek Fisherman's Hat turned into a Fiddlers Cap, and being interested in hat history is very, very fringe.


Jenn K said...

Oh my gosh, I just bought a hat that looks like that in Seattle a few weeks ago. It's plaid. My last plaid purchase was a little purse/bag from the Gap in 10th grade, so 1991. I'll wear them on Monday (thinking of stopping by if your kids are home). Cool.

CATZ said...

I'm probably wrong, but I call these hats 'newsboy'. I'm not a historian of hats, but definitely fit the category of 'wearing' hats. I think that should give me some credibility at least. I have a few similar to this in corduroy, cotton, and even fur. They're great for my casual wear and a bad hair days. I don't think hats will ever go out of 'vogue'. Mainstream they're not, but vogue is more about high fashion and high fashion always uses hats for drama. If you go through fashion history I bet you'd find that the times that fashion meant more, hats were more prominent. We're so casual these days we just don't bother. I'm so glad you like hats and wear them. I'm all for a resurgence of high fashion.