Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jim Dale Is Not My Friend (but I get confused)

A couple of months ago I was walking out of work, putting on my head phones, looking for what I was going to listen to. I felt anticipation, I had something great I was going to listen to, something I loved. Was it the Harry Potter book I had on the ipod, or something else? An emotion shivered through me. It was the combination of happiness, longing and melancholy. It was strange, yet, familiar. That thrill of emotion, something from long ago. I remembered. It was the emotion I felt when I was going to listen to the voice of a friend.

Years ago when separated by many oceans I hit upon sending talk tapes to my friends. Paul, Magna, Laurie and Wendy responded in kind. For a couple of years many such tapes were exchanged. I loved it.

I realized that afternoon that is part of why I like to listen to podcasts and audio books. It has an echo of those tapes.

But. I want to hear from my friends. I want to hear them.
I found the tapes really enjoyable and comforting. I liked it better than phone conversations, as I could respond when it was a good time for me, and, I could be far more intelligent and witty. As typically it takes about a day for me to come up with a good response, to anything.
I liked it better than writing because I am a slow writer, and I think meaning can be clearer when you hear someone.

I liked it because I could keep it, and listen to it, again.

Pod cast. It will probably be an audio journal, but maybe it will turn into something else.
Goal: Digitalize those tapes. Yes, those tapes, circa 1989-1991. Pod cast selections from them.

Ultimate Goal: Spark conversations with my friends, such as I have seen on facebook and blogs.
I love conversations with people I love.


Emily said...


Karen said...

Brilliant. And Jim Dale is also not my friend...:o)