Friday, November 21, 2008

Black Cap

All the hats I have acquired in the last few years have been from the temple of elemental evil, or WALMART™ as some people call it. This is due to it's proximity, and the fact that it's not squeamish about child labor so I can make impulse hat buys and not break $10.

I came across this hat and I loved it instantly. I have wanted one for some years and got it in black and green, (the green one will get it's own post).

I really like the style, it put's me in mind of one of the most stylish thugs of the 20th century - the nazi. I think my sense of style is genetically inherited. My father confessed he nearly joined the Hitler Youth movement (Canadian chapter) in the 30's because he "liked the look of their uniform". Fortunately the second world war broke out before he got around to signing up.

I did some research on the hat - as all that was inside the cap was "made in china". In my exhaustive research for this post I believe the style is "army cap".


CATZ said...

So what do you think of the stylish thugs...'the vikings'? I have a cool viking ( horns) hat that is too small for me.

I must say you look very hot in the black hat. Love it!

dp said...

Thanks Magna! I got to go to Washington DC last year and got to rush in some of the national museums (love old school museums) and took some pictures of a couple of helms. Not Viking though.
Oh wait - a hat, not a helm. I'd like to see what that looks like.
But in the very inauthentic way (I'm sure) the vikings are portrayed I have liked.