Monday, December 22, 2008

Put A Sock On It

Hat of the week ~ variant of 15th century sock hat.

I wear this hat when doing christmas related work, decorating the tree, supervising present opening etc.
Good memories - my first "santa hat" came as a gift from a neighbor on the first christmas with Laurie, I have a picture of that, I was wearing nothing but the hat and my underwear.
I'll have to post it.
We had bought the tree the day before for half price. Classically we had little, but the first Christmas as "us", we were quite happy.

This Christmas eve I rapped some 20 presents, most having been bought earlier in the day. Jane asked me today if there would be presents from "Santa" this year, "no" said David.
Jane, "Will you be rapping presents tonight?"
David, "yes"
Jane "To make it like there still is Santa?"
David "no, it's because I left it to the last minute"
Jane was amused.

My Dad didn't find it funny when he found out the reality of Santa. His reaction was a deeply personal one. One of deception, lied to, it was the lies that hurt.
So - there was no Santa in the Petty house the next generation, just the truth. Thanks to overwhelming social pressure we did have Christmas, but we never got presents from Santa.

Due to a magical experience Laurie had as a child, there was Santa this generation, till last year, when Anna fest up she wasn't buying it any more.

It's after 3 now, and stayed up, just a little more to post this ~ because I wanted to say I love you to my friends, but that sounds a little to much but, @#&% it's late, and I get emotional when sleep deprived.

The white sky has come down, close to the ground, the night is brightened and quieted. The sky has lain down, the ground is white with it, quieted.

To my friends. Some of whom I'm related to. Like music you make my life happier.

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