Monday, December 15, 2008

A Company Man

As I mentioned before I don't consider baseball caps really hats. Mainly because they are socially accepted head-ware. So when I wear my caps, I feel like I am in disguise - as a normal person. Or more accurately I feel like I am in disguise as an american.

To heighten this sense of conformity most of my caps are company hats. These are hats that were bought en-mass for a company event to be worn by company employees, to denote that they were, employees.

I have had a strict policy about logo-ed attire, since my time of hanging out with radicalized university students. (This was before I actually became a student and actually attended a radical campus, radical in the fact that it was so conservative it bore the distinction of being one of the only universities NOT to have student protests during the 60's).
That policy was NO LABLES. I refined that to "if I'm going to ware a company logo they better be paying me to advertise for them." I have stuck to that policy.

For a history of baseball caps.

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